Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Intergalactic Renegade (Pt. 10)

On the precipice of extinction.

Everything depends on these fleeting moments and the decision that Sordid Shepard makes. Which would be terrifying under normal circumstances, but these circumstances are far from normal. She also has a personal stake in this decision. So she may, for the second time in her life, make the right decision, rather than the one that awards Renegade alignment. But I guess that we’re going to have to wait and see. Prioritising her own egocentric ambitions over millions of innocent lives would not only be her greatest betrayal, but would also be a fitting end for her.

She’d be nearly as selfish as the salarians.

But events in the Mass Effect trilogy are rather subjective. So it’s difficult to say which is the best or the worst outcome in any given situation. Making decisions solely because it is the Paragon or the Renegade approach is not advised, as the repercussions of those decisions might surprise you.

Hence why I’ve always praised the concluding events of Mass Effect 3. They’re fairly controversial, but I’ve always appreciated being able to make the decision that best suits the character that I’ve built, and not the decision that best suits the choices that I’ve made. Choices that I may not even remember making. Or that I failed to realise the significance of at the time. I’ve meticulously fumbled through key events to arrive at this perplexing conclusion, and while these events may not have dictated her decision, they could easily result in an immensely underwhelming decision being made for her. Citadel would make for an absurdly enjoyable alternative conclusion were events to unfold that way. But they don’t. So it’s probably best to accept what actually happens instead, even if the wounds are still fresh.

Walk towards the light…

Revisiting the Mass Effect series through Mass Effect Legendary Edition has been a pleasure, though. It’s an exhilarating one-of-a-kind narrative-driven adventure that takes you on a truly unforgettable journey. One that explores one of the most fascinating and diverse RPG franchises in recent memory, which still holds its own even after all these years. Mass Effect 2 was easily the most frustrating of the three. And that was (mostly) due to the sheer absurdity of Insanity difficulty, which wasn’t at all necessary, but did inspire a tremendous amount of profanity.

I honestly didn’t know that I had it in me.

Maybe that’s why Insanity difficulty is usually reserved for those with considerable experience with the Mass Effect series, as it was only available after completing the main campaign(s) prior to Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Now it’s immediately available to any reckless enough to attempt it.

Of the changes made in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and there are many, none seem to significantly affect the experience, making me wonder whether it’s best considered a remake or a remaster. Not that this makes any difference to its content. I’m just curious as I believe it leans towards a remaster and not a remake, but it isn’t either entirely. Which is oddly fitting as the original trilogy was difficult to classify, too. But I’ve always felt that was part of its charm, as there wasn’t anything like it before it and there hasn’t been anything like it since. Being able to revisit Mass Effect in (arguably) its best form has been one of the highlights of my year. Which is why I highly recommend Mass Effect Legendary Edition, as it allows those who have never experienced this outstanding trilogy to embark on an incomparable adventure.

Have a nice weekend, all!


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